Creating a spreadsheet in excel to track inventory


Dana Schuchman

I am in dire need of help!!! I am the office manager of a "new" company, and
we are creating EVERYTHING. I need to know how to create a spreadsheet that
will track the inventory we have. We are like a timeshare for toys company.
So, not only does it need to track how many times a certain "toy" (ie: snow
mobile, waverunner, quad, etc.) went out, but if it is available to reserve
for a certain day. Can someone help me with this?



If you are the ToyShare in Salt Lake, I could stop by & write something in
Excel or Access for you.

David Cox

This sounds like a database application. If you tackle it in Excel you are
likely to cause yourself and your customers un-necessary grief.

Dana Schuchman

What kind of application do you suggest I use? Why do you think it will cause
un-necessary grief?

Dana Schuchman

I am not at ToyShare in Salt Lake. Can you still send me info on how to do

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