Creating A sumation formula



Sort of a school project, basically I need to sum the following equation:

k goes from 0 to 100 ( A^( k+1 ) ) * ( B / C ) * ( 1 - ( D / E ) )

where A, B, C, D, E are all cell references that increase by k each time for
the sumation, but there is no way to find a funtion, so I think I have to
make a loop in VBA, but I don't really know how to use my reference cells.
Ultimately I would like to call a function like this: =Sum3up( array1,
array2, array3, integer ) where the 3 arrays are my colums or rows, and my
integer is the value of k.

Not much of a program but if I get pointed in the right way I can figure
most things out, once I get a nudge.


Jerry W. Lewis

If by "...cell references that increase by k each time..." you mean that you

then you can do it by worksheet function


which should be much faster than VBA.


Leith Ross

Hello Clinton,

Here is User Defined Function in VBA. It can be used just like
regular Excel Formula.

It assumes that the index K is the number of entries that will b
successively summed according to your formula. The cells don't need t
be contiguous, but do need to be in the same row.

Add a VBA Module to your project and copy this code into it.


=Sum3Up(<cell Arg A>, <cell Arg B>, <cell Arg C>, <cell Arg D>, <cel
Arg E>, Index_K)

Public Function Sum3Up(ByRef ArgA As Range, ByRef ArgB As Range, ByRef ArgC As Range, ByRef ArgD As Range, ByRef ArgE As Range, ByVal Index_K As Long) As Double


Dim I As Long
Dim Sigma As Double

'Summation Formula: Sigma = ( A^( k+1 ) ) * ( B / C ) * ( 1 - ( D / E ) )
For I = 1 To Index_K
'Avoid division by zero error
If ArgC.Cells(I, 1).Value <> 0 And ArgE.Cells(I, 1).Value <> 0 Then
Sigma = Sigma + (ArgA.Cells(I, 1).Value ^ (I + 1) _
* (ArgB.Cells(I, 1).Value / ArgC.Cells(I, 1).Value) _
* (1 - (ArgD.Cells(I, 1).Value / ArgE.Cells(I, 1).Value)))
End If
Next I

Sum3Up = Sigma

End Function

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