creating a table from a recursive type query



Not sure how to ask this but I am looking for a method of creating a table
which contains part numbers from our company's database by first populating
the table with a small number of part numbers and then running an update
query which reads all records in the table and adds any numbers to the table
which are parent Bill of Material numbers.

Once the table is updated, I would like to run the update again to extract
more numbers and have them added to the table. Can this be done in some sort
of recursive loop until all items are included?

Once this table is completely updated, I want to remove duplicates which
should give me a table containing all of the current items that we have.

This is different than simply dumping the contents of all of the part
numbers as this will give me a table with ony currently used parts of a
certain type.

Any ideas how I might accomplish this task?


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