Creating a Template for mixed Data



Hi I have NO knowledge of programming or VBE In Excel, I have several
"command's" that I need to "Automate", as Mouse or Short Cut Buttons, as most
of the Radio Operaters (Volunteer Marine Rescue Radio Log Keeping) will be
out of their depth until now (30 Years) it has been all done by pen and
paper. I have "named and created dropdown "lists" for all the columns A to H
by Validating all except for the ongoing "Real Time" (24Hr) which is Logged
at the start of every new row (4 to 28) as a "Call " comes in which will be a
Key manual entry (ctrl shift ;) for the Template, every new "daily W/sheet
"Template" has the same headings and 2 minor "Name Columns" and 25 Data enry
Rows before a new page is started the latter page must be saved as a legal
Record. is there a book with all the neccessary Codes in it ? I need to know
the Following, Enter Current Day Date inital and Subsequent Pages for that
day at startup (0530 - 1800) Moving Left to Right in the Row's how can I make
the cursor go to the next Charater entry or insertation point or indent,
just by Clicking the Rht Arrow and then drop down to the Next Time entry
Column from say; H4 to A5, then the same after each entry from the "List" of
that Named Column or how do I create or embed these insertion points where I
want to start Typing Data Next that will follow a word or description Eg
D/Date. ........... / How can we Close and Save the inital Sheet and start
another Blank Template Page of several for that day / add and save any new
Data of Vessels Name and Registration Numbers which is C & D, as well as
import the existing Data of Vessels and Reg (600) and List them in 6
Different Alpha Listed and Named Sheets in the Same Workbook. as we are all
Volunteer's we would appreciate any help & advice anyone may have we have to
do all this ourselves as we get only little Gov Assistance" sorry this is so
long. Thanks to all Dasha



After 24 hours with no replies, looks like there are too many things to deal
with in a single discussion here. Get in touch with me via email (remove
spaces) HelpFrom @ and we can discuss putting something
together to provide a solution.



Thanks Very Much to JLathem for your time and generosity it will be well
remembered and I will contact you today Thanks again,


Email received and replied to - we'll just take this off line since it is
closer to a full development project than just a specific request in one
particular area.

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