Creating a template that behaves like a table in MS Word


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Hi all, I am spending way too much time trying to make this tablet pc work
for me. I have a very specific need. I want to take notes during the groups
that I run.

I guess I need my templates to behave in the manner that you would expect
from a table in MS Word. Basically I have created several templates with two
"columns and three "rows". It appears that One Note calls each of these six
"cells" note containers.

When I begin writing in the top note container (a shaded box with a darker
shaded line at the top that allows you to move it around and resize it), it
fills in fine for a few lines. However, when it reaches the top of the note
container below it runs over that cell and just makes a mess. I want that
lower note container to move down until I am have written all of the text I
need to in the top one. This is important to me because during my groups I
often return to these text boxes to add more data.

Any ideas about how to get the functionality I need?

Sometimes the templates appear to work while I am setting them up, but when
I try inputting with the pen they stop working the way I need them to.

If what I want is not possible, can anyone recommend an application that
might work?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Are you actually creating what OneNote considers a table-like structure
or are you creating separate containers? The table-like structres in
OneNote are all part of the same container, and should dynamically
resize, etc. when the cell content grows.

Use the Tab key to create new columns, and the Enter key to create new
rows. You cannot format the table or add borders, etc. as you can in
Word, but this basic feature you're looking for is present.

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