Creating a time sheet



I need to create a timesheet that reflects the time I start work than go to lunch and than return to work and than leave for the day...

Time in Lunch out Lunch in End of Day
7:00AM 12:00PM 1:00PM 5:00PM =9

How can I do this so when I input my hours it will automatically add or subtract the hours and give me a total for each day?


I have just set something like this at work.

Make sure all your time entries are formatted hh:mm.
(for quick entry you can command+; on a mac, ctrl+shift+; on a PC)

to subtract time in and time out, use normal subtraction formula.

to convert to decimal:=HOUR(E4)+MINUTE(E4)/60
(where E4 is the cell it refers to)

to sum hours worked on day or week, you need to run a macro. which unfortunately don't know much about it, but will know more about it after tomorrow!

in the file I created the following macro been put in (by someone else):

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
End Sub

however as I said I don't really know what does that means...

until tomorrow, hope this helps

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