Creating a validation rule for numbers.



I have a numberic field where the number of hours spent on a issue must be
entered. I want the hours recorded in 15 minute increments and end in .00,
..25, .50, .75. How would I write the validation rule?

Rick Brandt

Tparis said:
I have a numberic field where the number of hours spent on a issue
must be entered. I want the hours recorded in 15 minute increments
and end in .00, .25, .50, .75. How would I write the validation rule?

(([FieldName]*100) Mod 25=0) Or Is Null

Rick Brandt

onedaywhen said:
I assume that 0.751 should fail, however with your rule it does not

SELECT 0.751 AS FieldName, IIF((FieldName * 100) Mod 25 = 0, 'Pass',

returns 'Pass'.

I would suggest:

FieldName - INT(FieldName) IN (0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75)

Yes, that is better.

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