Creating a View with Outline Collapsed



Using PWA 2002. How can I create a Project View that automatically displays
the 2nd or 3rd outline level? I'd like to have the details hidden when the
project is selected from the Project Center.


Thanks for the suggestion, but when I do this I can not open the hidden
details. Any other ideas?

Steve Rollins

Dean, I have used MS Project for work up 15,000 tasks. I beat the
performance problems by dynamically linking projects as subprojects to a
master where my project managers owned the schedule management for the
sub-projects. This was particularly useful in a SOX engagement where the
master was 15,000 tasks with 35 subprojects on a network at a reasonably
sized business. I could see criticial path and performed all my filtering
very well. All this said, I wouldn't try this at home, could be fatal.

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