Creating an algebraic substitution for use in formulas



I'm trying to create a spreadsheet in Excel where P=0.5, A=0.5 and N=0. I
would like to assign these values (somehow) and add up the letters to give me
a numerical sum in the end cell, eg. N+P+P+A+P+A=2.5. How can I accomplish

Alternately, can I use symbols, such as checkmark signs, etc., as
substitutes for numbers?

(To understand the practical application, I'm a music teacher trying to
create an attendance sheet for my studio that uses their letters/symbols to
denote attendance, while still being able to add up the total amount of hours
for my own invoice purposes.)

David Biddulph

Insert/ Name/ Define/ P/ refers to: 0.5
Similarly define A and A
Then you can use a formula =N+P+P+A+P+A and get the result 0.5


Okay, that, how do I create an autosum as I normally do (by
highlighting the cells and pressing the AutoSum button)?


1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week 5th Week Total

I can only create a manual formula so far and I'd much prefer to use these
substitutions with AutoSum.

Also, can you define the same symbol (such as P) with different numbers,
depending on the row or column you are in? I want P to stand for 0.75 or 1
with some of my students as well.

Bernard Liengme

In A1:A3 (for example) enter the letters A, N, P
Next to each, enter numeric values
Select A1:B3 and use Insert | Name | Create
Now B1 is called A, B2 is called N and B3 is P
In some other cell enter =N+P+P+A+P+A and out pops 2.5
best wishes

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