Gr8 Dane
I have a mutli-sheet open workbook, and I need to create a way to auto add
continuous columns. eg. All of E column will be transactions (+$14,000.00, or
-$12,754.99, etc) and F Column will then be the New total. So, we start with
the initial deposit of 5,000 in E-2. F-2 will then read 5,000. Then in E-3,
we add 7500. What do I do in order for it to automatically change F-3 to the
sum of all previous E column totals, in this case 12500?
continuous columns. eg. All of E column will be transactions (+$14,000.00, or
-$12,754.99, etc) and F Column will then be the New total. So, we start with
the initial deposit of 5,000 in E-2. F-2 will then read 5,000. Then in E-3,
we add 7500. What do I do in order for it to automatically change F-3 to the
sum of all previous E column totals, in this case 12500?