Creating an email list from a data base



I am new to concantenate, but I think I should be able to use it to take
emails from a column in Excel and create a string I can paste into Outlook to
email a group. I can't seem to get the ; in the right spot -- I get a space
before it. Also is there a way to copy the formula down so I don't have to
write it for every entry?


A little more background would be more helpful, such as a copy of the formula
you are using, but there are only 2 reasons you are getting the space:
1 - you have a space in the formula
2 - you have trailing spaces in the e-mail address.

let's assume the following data set:
1 Address Long string
2 (e-mail address removed) (e-mail address removed)
3 (e-mail address removed) (e-mail address removed);[email protected]
4 (e-mail address removed) (e-mail address removed);[email protected];[email protected]

The formula in B3 would then be:

The trim function will remove any leading and trailing spaces, and note
there are no spaces in my ";"

Note that Excel no longer requires the concatenate function to be explicitly
called, you can use ampersands '&' and excel will assume the concatenate

Part 2, to fill down a formula, hover your mouse over the bottom-right
corner of the cell to be copied, double-click, it will fill down the formula
till it reaches a blank cell to it's left. You can also use the standard
copy/paste method, incorporating paste-special if you only want to copy the
formula without any formatting.


Let me give you better details, I think you are on the right track to helping
me, but this did not work exactly as I wanted.
My Scenario:
Col. A Rows 2-22 I have email addresses - In essence I want to put these
in one cell with the ";" symbol between so I can then just copy into the TO
box in Outlook. A text string of sorts I guess.


What I've given you will work.
You need to copy the formula down for _every_ row you need to include, so
copy from B2 to B22.
The formula takes the value above it, and adds a ";" and the contents of the
e-mail next to it.

The very last row will contain the complete string (assuming the total width
does not violate excel limitations [32,767 characters in xl2007])

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