Creating an index in Word 2002



I'm trying to create an index. But I can't figure out how to include the
same noun both in the singular and in the plural. For example, I'd like the
entry to look like "Linguistic right(s)", rather than create two different
entries (i.e. "Linguistic right" and "Linguistic rights").
Thanks for your help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The entry will say whatever you put in the XE field. When you select text in
the document and press Alt+Shift+X, you can edit the display text for the
index entry. If your XE fields are created with a concordance file, you can
either set up the concordance properly or edit the XE fields afterward.


I've looked at your reply, however, if I use a : in the XE field (Ex: {XE
"language policies:language policy"}) I get two separate entries "language
policy" and "language policies", but would like my index to consider those
two entries as one.
Also, I'm afraid I don't know how a concordance file works...
Thank you for your patience.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Where did I suggest using a colon? That always creates a subentry. What I
said was that you can't always accept without editing the text that Word
puts into the XE field if you create it by selecting text in the document
and pressing Alt+Shift+X. If you want a single entry for, say, "language
policy," then when you select "language policies" in the text and press
Alt+Shift+X in the text and get { XE "language policies" }, you must edit
this to say { XE "language policy" }.

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