Creating an Ongoing Project


Andy Hohman

I am trying to create a project plan for all the ongoing activities that our
company does on a daily basis. We will want to track the time that is added
to these tasks, but we don't plan it like a project. Is there a way to add
these tasks so that they have no work associated with them but always show up
on the person's timesheet. For example, I don't want the time to be planned
or affect their utilization rate, but I want it to always be open on their

I tried adding tasks and adding a lot of hours for each person, but it
affected their utilization, plus at some point the task hours will be used up
and the task will not appear on their timesheet (I know that I could train
them to make sure the remaining work is never empty, however I don't trust
that they will do this.)

Marc Soester

Hi Andy,

You may want to try "Administrative Projects". I assume you use Project
Server 2003. You can save and publish a project as an administrative Project.
It is essentially a "non project project" ( sounds like an oximoron :)

Within an admin project you can assign team members without influensing the
utalisation. At the same time an admin project does not have an end date and
it is always displayed on a timeentry sheet of a user.

But please be aware that Admin Projects will also need to be planned well.
Since you assign all users to all tasks, performance of an admin project can
be very bad. You should create one admin project per department for example.
You should also try to keep the amount of assigned users per task as low as

I hope this helps

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