Let's start by saying that until this question I knew nothing of the 3of9
barcode font beyond what I read about it on the web site from which the
sample was downloaded, and very little about bar code formats generally.
What do you mean by 'format the lot with the 3of9 Barcode Font' ?
I'm assuming you mean the spot on the template where the barcode is
Yes format the field and the exclamation marks (which the web site indicates
are used in place of asterisks in Word)
I understand the ! on both ends is to hide the '*' in the barcode
but, in the ref do I not need the asterik on both ends to distinguish
as a barcode?
Apparently the exclamation marks are used in place of the asterisks, though
having retested it appears you can use either asterisk or exclamation mark
to the same effect.
What if I want 2 fields (text3 and text4) to make up the barcode, Can
back to back ref fields be used to make one barcode?
Yes you can use the content of two or more fields or one or more fields with
fixed text. Whatever you format with the barcode font will appear as a