Creating Button with predetermined function code in a wksheet with VBA



I have a VBA program that pulls data from a set of files which creates
set of columns in a worksheet. The number of columns present i
dependent upon the number of files imported. Each column has > 30
data points which need to be graphed. Unfortunately, before they ca
be graphed, some of the columns must be averaged or removed due t
inaccurate data. I had hoped to write a VBA program that would inser
option boxes over all of the columns present at an interval equal t
the variable column width. I then want to assign some function to th
option box that when multiple option boxes are checked it will selec
the columns, average the rows, and export/paste the data into a ne
worksheet composed of the averaged values.

For example:

Col A Col B Col C Col D
1 2 2 1
4 3 3 4

Suppose the above data was entered and I want to achieve two separat
goals, step one is to average Col A and B then C and D for a total o
two columns on the export sheet. Then have the option of using Col A
AVG Col B and C, and using Col D as is.

From the average/modified data I need to make a line graph. This wil
save an immense amount of time on analysis. Please advise.


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