Creating CDs with Front Page


Hal King

I have been publishing my FP created web to the hard disk
and then used the software for making a disk. Have been
able to transfer all the files but have had two problems.
1. I inserted an auto run file as a separate file in the
root directory:
open=start index.htm
This does not start the disk.

2. I have lost hyperlinks between files so I get "page
can't be displayed" notices when I click on the link.
Any suggestions about either or both problems would be
greatly appreciated.


If you can view all the pages properly by opening the index file off your hard drive, it should also
work to open it off the CD. As long as you made sure you burned the many hidden files and folders
and such. You can also view where the link is trying to go, then if it doesn't work, manually look
for the file and make sure it's where it's supposed to be.

Can't help with the Autorun thing...

Theresa Bennett

This article might be useful:;en-us;q310511
also, in your .inf file have you tried?

Theresa Bennett
"The worksite for designers and developers."


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