Creating combo boxes



This is how I have my spreadsheet set up: in Sheet 1, the leftmost row has
every date between 7-1-06 and 6-30-07 in descending order, with the
corresponding day of the week next to the dates. Columns to the right of this
have numeric information pertaining to this date/day. I would like to make a
combo box that has me select a day of the week, searches the spreadsheet,
finds info for the dates that have that corresponding day, and pastes those
rows of data on Sheet 2, where the combo box is kept. Assistance is

Thank you!


if you have your combo boxes set up all you need to do is set up a series of
vlookup formulas,each returning the appropriate column
ie vlookup(date,datetable,day of week column,false),next column is,
vlookup(date,datetable,sales of week,false),next column is
etc etc etc

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