creating custom chart [ 2 "stacked column"s in bar graph] in power point


Anna Krieger

Could anyone help?
I want to create a bar graph that compares 4 sets of
data. Basically I want to have two different "Stacked
columns" next to each other... I think the proper
terminology is that I'm trying to make a "cluster" graph
of two "stacked columns"
I want to get one bar with two sets of data in it stacked
on top of one another. Then, next to the first bar of two
sets of data, I'd like to get another bar also with two
different sets of data stacked together.
EX: if the data sets were as follows...
a= 2
b= 4
x= 10
y= 5
Then I'd have one bar that was 6 units total, but with 2
units in one color and 4 in another.
next to this, there would be another bar totalling 15
units, with 10 units one color and 5 units another color
within the bar.
I can get this to work for comparing 2 types of data [by
going to "chart types", clicking on "columns" and then
selecting the second option--"stacked column."] but I
can't find a way to do it for 4 units of data.
Can anyone help, i'd greatly appreciate it...
I just can't seem to figure out how to actually make a
custom chart.
Thanks so much, all.

Echo S

Crud. I replied to this awhile ago, but it's not showing up.

Here goes again.

You don't have to use a custom chart to do this type of graph. Just activate the graph and choose Chart/Chart Type. On the Standard Types tab, choose column chart on the left, and choose the 2nd option in the right-hand sub-types options. It's a Stacked Column.

Then set up your data so it is like this

1st Q 2nd Q
East 2 5
West 4 10

Select columns C and D and cut. (Ctrl+X or Edit/Cut or Scissors Icon.) Do the same for rows North and South.

Don't use delete, as that works differently than cutting. Try it to see the difference.


You have to add empty columns in your data to create the effect of grouped stacked columns

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