Creating dynamic cross reference links in a Word document



We have a client that has created a word 2000 template for his office. This
template will make reference to sections of text that look something like

"As you can see in Exhibit (XXX) the plaintiff will need to justify his

further down in the document:

"Please refer to Exhibit (YYY) for details about this case"

These cross reference links - ie the words Exhibit (XXX), Exhibit (YYY) will
"jump" to the actual exhibits (which appear as separate documents included in
the appendix of the larger document).

My question:

1. What is the best way to create these jumps - as cross-references /
hyperlinks / or bookmarks in the document?

2. The client wants these cross reference links to be "dynamic" in nature.
What I mean by this is that if they have the following in the document:

Exhibit (1)
Exhibit (2)
Exhibit (3)
Exhibit (4)

If they want to "insert a new Exhibit (2)" between the old Exhibit (1) and
Exhibit (2), all the other Exhibits and their respective numbers would be
automatically re-numbered so the pattern would look like this:

Exhibit (1)
Exhibit (2) <---- the new Exhibit (2)
Exhibit (3)
Exhibit (4)
Exhibit (5)

What is the best way to do item #2. I am thinking some sequential field in

Here is more clarification:The dynamic numbering in the document is to
appear within any giving paragraph. So for example:
text text text text text (Exhibit1)text text text text text
text text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text
text(Exhibit 2)text text text text text text text text text text....

text text text text texttext text text text texttext text text text texttext
text text text text(Exhibit 3)
Now, the client would like to be able to insert additional text with a "new"
Exhibit 2, for example, between the exisitng first two "Exhibits". If the
client enters more text, then the current Exhibit 2 will become Exhibit 3
(and the current Exhibit 3 will automatically change to Exhibit 4) because of
the added text and new Exhibit 2.

My thought is to modify Caption Style so it is not bolded, centred text.

Stefan Blom

I'll answer your questions in the opposite order, since the creation
of captions logically precedes inserting references to them:

2. For Word to be able to automatically create cross-references, you
have to create a caption label named "Exhibit" and use it to insert
your exhibit numbering:

a) On the Insert menu, click Caption.

b) In the dialog box, click the New Label button.

c) Click OK to insert.

d) Add the parentheses manually around the caption number.

e) Select the caption and create an AutoText entry for it for easy

When creating the following exhibit captions, just insert the

AutoText entries can be copied between templates, but all
caption labels are (unfortunately) stored in (the blank
template), which means that the Exhibit label must be created for each
individual computer where it should be used.

1. Create hyperlinked cross-references to the Exhibits, via

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message


1. My recommendation is to use cross reference (Insert> Reference>
Cross-Reference) and ensure the "Insert as hyperlink" check-box is ticked.
2. If your exhibits are documents or sections inserted at the end of the
main text as appendices, then use existing header or create a new heading
style, e.g. Appendix Header and apply numbering to it. For each exhibit, add
a new Appendix heading before the text begins. So when you do No. 1 above,
reference to this heading.

If you move the exhibits around or add in/ delete exhibits, the numbering
will remain consistent and accurate.
3. For "auto-numbering" within text, place cursor after the word "Exhibit"
and go to Insert> Field. Choose AutoNum from FieldNames and click OK. Each
subsequent time you do this will increment the numbering by 1.




Thanks for your reply. I very much appreciate the responses and was hoping
to get another take on the issue as I could not recreate exactly what the
client wanted. I do intend to look over all responses and try to solve this
once and for all. I meant no disrespect and fully intend to respond to
everyone that has kindly offered their expertise. I appologize for any
appearance of improper etiquette.

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