Creating Forms & Adding Task Notes Field


Sarah W

Hi Guy

I have a problem. Hopefully one of our distinguished user may be able to help me

I created a new Form and added a Task Notes field to it. Even though I can alter the textbox shape I always ended up with a single line of text. I like the text string I enter to wrap within the text box (like in Excel ). May be I am missing something. Any Idea how to do it ??????

Also I can enter only 255 characters(max) to the field. Can I change it to be a memo field (like in MS Access where you can change a text field to a memo field and have more than 255 characters) ???

I am planning to use this form for project managers so that they can update project notes in MS Project periodically (say fortnightly) and publish it to project server and capture this field at Project level through an ODBC query for customise reporting

Regards & Thanks in advance.

William Raymond

Hi Sarah.

The Notes field itself supports more than 255 characters. However, you can
only access that many when using VBA. Therefore, you will need to write a
SQL query to get at the information. The field is in a memo (binary?)
field, so if you are sending/receiving notes, you will need SQL.


Bill Raymond
projectnation at hotmail dot com

Sarah W said:
Hi Guys

I have a problem. Hopefully one of our distinguished user may be able to help me!

I created a new Form and added a Task Notes field to it. Even though I
can alter the textbox shape I always ended up with a single line of text. I
like the text string I enter to wrap within the text box (like in Excel ).
May be I am missing something. Any Idea how to do it ???????
Also I can enter only 255 characters(max) to the field. Can I change it to
be a memo field (like in MS Access where you can change a text field to a
memo field and have more than 255 characters) ????
I am planning to use this form for project managers so that they can
update project notes in MS Project periodically (say fortnightly) and
publish it to project server and capture this field at Project level through
an ODBC query for customise reporting.


Just a clarification. VBA will access more than 255 characters from the
Notes field - I do it all the time. However, getting the text to wrap in
a UserForm textbox is a little trickier. The method I have used is to
use an algorithm to parse the text string into fixed length word groups
and apply a line feed. It is a pain, but it works.


Gérard Ducouret

Hello Sarah and everybody,

You'll find here under an excerpt of a VBA routine which eliminates the
Carriage Return in the text of a Note field. I wrote it some months ago to
generate an MPX file from MS Project 2002. NB : the MPX 4.0 format doesn't
accept more than 200 characters, so the routine truncates the note this way.
You can easily remove this limit.
Tell me if it helps,

Gérard Ducouret

Blabla = oTâche.Notes
Call VireRC(Blabla)

Function VireRC(Blabla) 'Repère bien et vire les RC !
'Mid(string, start[, length])
Dim i As Integer
'Blabla = ActiveProject.Tasks(2).Notes
'MsgBox Blabla
Do While i < Len(Blabla)
i = i + 1
If Mid(Blabla, i, 1) = Chr(13) Then
'MsgBox "Y'a un retour en : " & i
Blabla = Left(Blabla, i - 1) & " " & (Right(Blabla, Len(Blabla) -
'MsgBox Blabla
End If
If Len(Blabla) >= 200 Then 'Le format MPX 4 n'accepte que 200
caractères dans les champs Remarques
Blabla = Left(Blabla, 200) 'Longueur maxi constatée pour les champs
End If
VireRC = Blabla
End Function

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