Creating graphs with dual Y axia values



I need to draw a graph showing decrease in outstanding of a particular year
during a month. However, i want to show that the balance of 2007 in Nov,
2007, also includes the amount booked during the month and likewise for the
Total in the same month. For example,
2005 2006 2007 Total Bussiness
Oct, 07 100 120 150 370
Nov, 07 80 75 120 275 70
The figures are showing decrease in outstanding because of the recoveries in
Nov, 2007, e.g. outstanding of 2005 reduced to 80 due to the recoveries of 20
in Nov, 2007. However, recoveries for the outstanding of 2007 are actually
100 but the graph is not showing 50 due to the business of 70 booked in Nov,
2007 that is included in the sum for 2007 in Nov, 07. I want to show that 120
and 270 also includes 70 of the business booked in Nov, 2007 for the year
2007 by some way like change of color, dashed area etc. If I do it with above
table the bar does not show the actual decrease in the size of outstanding.

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