Creating hyperlinks



I have created a sort of Table of Contents of project names held
within row 3 of a worksheet. This I achieved by modifying an entry on (FN0006 - Extract List of Unique Items -- Use
formulas to extract unique items from a list. Based on an example from
Paul Cumbers), outputting the result using


NameCount is defined as "=OFFSET(Demand!$Q$2,0,0,1,239)"
NameList is defined as "=OFFSET(Demand!$Q$2,0,0,2,239)"
UniqueNames is defined as"=OFFSET(Demand!$M$4,0,0,MAX(Demand!$Q2:$IV2),
1)" but is not required within my worksheet.

Row 3 contains Project Names, "Status", a variety of Status settings
(as defined in StatusTab) and blank cells
Row 2 contains the following formula

This provides me with the list of projects and ignores blank cells or
cells with data I'm not interested in.

What I would now like to do, when a user clicks on one of those cells
in the ToC, is take them to the location of the selected project in
the worksheet. I've looked at Hyperlinks and the =HYPERLINK, and
tried wrapping it into the above formula, but cannot get it to take me
to the appropriate cell on the worksheet.

Any and all suggestions gratefully received.


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