Your current home page:
Current link to Limpopo page:
Link after creating new Pub file,, saving home page as
limpopo.htm instead of index.htm or limpopopage.htm when you Publish to the
web, and uploading to a new folder on your host called "limpopo":
I would suggest that you consider getting away from using uppercase, unless
you can be very consistent. I also don't know why you couldn't use
limpopo.htm instead of limpopopage.htm??? I just don't see the need to use
the "page" part. Unless you have a good reason for that, I think the shorter
version is better. Plus one of the reasons to use "limpopo.htm" vs
"index.htm" is that in theory it will help with search engine optimzation
SEO. It seems to me that the search engines might like to see the name of
the province, and not provincepage. The main thing is it would be shorter...
And keep in mind what Mike said, it can be a good thing to use "index" for
the default home page for many reasons.
Then if I understand you correctly, the individual cities and all the links
from those cities will be part of the limpopo Pub file. So if you follow the
link to Ellisras that link right now is:
Now as a subpage of the limpopo Pub file the link will be:
Don't forget that when you Publish to the Web, and if you choose something
other than index as the default file name then the index_files subfolder
(that contain your other pages and all the graphics) is changed to reflect
the file name. So when you save the home page as limpopo.htm you will get a
limpopo_files folder containing the other pages and the graphics.
So now I also assume that the accomodation page for Ellisras is part of the file, so that link is now:
and would become:
Etc, etc...
So you would be working with 12 Publisher files and 11 subfolders on your
host. Your home page will be uploaded to exactly where it is now. It will be
a single page, but will have both an index.htm file and an index_files
folder. One subfolder will be called "aboutus", another "advertisewithus".
The other 9 subfolders on your host will be named "limpopo"...after the
province name. All these subfolders will located at the same level in the
directory as the index_files folder is for the home page.
Now is that what you are proposing and does the way the links are written
make sense to you?
Your organization seems logical and will make it easier to manage. If you
think the providence Pub files will end up being more than 30 or so pages, I
would suggest that you consider an alternative. Keep all the main sections
with the home page in one pub file of 12 pages, and produce eacy cities
content with a seperate pub file and their own subfolder on your host. Yeah
a lot more initial work, but as you add content to the cities and even more
cities, it will be easier to manage...just thinking out loud. Isn't the city
content the most dynamic part of your site?