Creating Journal in Table Form



I'm trying to make a weekly journal in table form. The first two
columns would be the day and date (it does not matter which is first),
and the remaining columns would be for various entries. Here is what
I'm hoping it would look like:
Day Date Entry 1 Entry 2 Entry 3

Sun 11/25/07 Abc Def More info
Mon 11/26/07 Xyz Jae More blah
Tue 11/27/07 Mno Koz Comments
Wed 11/28/07 Lmn Text So and so
Thu 11/29/07 Fac Vanu Critique
Fri 11/30/07 Gbog Beno Text
Sat 12/01/07 Deab Hura Flybe

Sun 11/25/07 Pog Def More info
Mon 11/26/07 Xyz Jpe More olph
Tue 11/27/07 Mno Koz Goiients
Wed 11/28/07 Lin Tezt So pnd so
Thu 11/29/07 Fpg Vpnu Gritique
Fri 11/30/07 Goog Oeno Tezt
Sat 12/01/07 Deao Hura Flyoe

Making a weekly table without the date is easy of course. All I have
to do is create the table once, and copy it over and over. The trick
is getting a list of dates in column form to put into a column of my
table. I know that each day I could just insert the date in the
second column. I'm looking to have all the dates in the table in

Any suggestions?



John McGhie

The simplest way is "Use Excel".

Excel has the ability to "Fill down" a column with dates. You can look this
up in the help.

Excel also enables you to easily adjust the display format of the date. You
are using weird-format American dates that are "inside-out", and thus
difficult to create programmatically.

There is another solution using computed date fields and table referencing.
But that method is complicated. It requires a lot of work to set it up.
And it is fragile: easily broken.

So I won't cover that unless there is a reason you cannot use Excel (like:
you don't have it...)

Having created your table in Excel, copy it, and paste it into a Word
document to format it. It's easier to format in Word, easier to create in

If you do not care which application you use, I would leave the thing in
Excel. It will be a much smaller and more robust file. Word documents
containing complex tables do not like being edited every day ‹ the document
will eventually corrupt.

Hope this helps

I'm trying to make a weekly journal in table form. The first two
columns would be the day and date (it does not matter which is first),
and the remaining columns would be for various entries. Here is what
I'm hoping it would look like:
Day Date Entry 1 Entry 2 Entry 3

Sun 11/25/07 Abc Def More info
Mon 11/26/07 Xyz Jae More blah
Tue 11/27/07 Mno Koz Comments
Wed 11/28/07 Lmn Text So and so
Thu 11/29/07 Fac Vanu Critique
Fri 11/30/07 Gbog Beno Text
Sat 12/01/07 Deab Hura Flybe

Sun 11/25/07 Pog Def More info
Mon 11/26/07 Xyz Jpe More olph
Tue 11/27/07 Mno Koz Goiients
Wed 11/28/07 Lin Tezt So pnd so
Thu 11/29/07 Fpg Vpnu Gritique
Fri 11/30/07 Goog Oeno Tezt
Sat 12/01/07 Deao Hura Flyoe

Making a weekly table without the date is easy of course. All I have
to do is create the table once, and copy it over and over. The trick
is getting a list of dates in column form to put into a column of my
table. I know that each day I could just insert the date in the
second column. I'm looking to have all the dates in the table in

Any suggestions?



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John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Thanks, John. Your solution worked perfectly!

I even have the weird, inside-out, AND illogical American format to
which I am accustomed.

Thanks, again, John.


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