Creating keyboard shortcuts for applications



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

If the application you want to select does not appear in the list, choose Other and locate the application using the Open dialog. Some applications may not allow you to set keyboard shortcuts.

where is "other" ???





I'm just guessing because you really don't say *where* you're trying to do
this or even exactly what you're trying to do, but it doesn't sound like
anything to do with Mac Office. Therefore I'm assuming you're in the OS X
System> Preferences> Keyboard dialog for Keyboard Shortcuts.

If I'm right, click the plus sign then scroll to the bottom of the list
where you'll find "Other" - but I doubt you'll really need to. Most
applications that can be affected will already be listed by name.

If I'm *wrong* you're going to have to provide a much more explicit
indication of what you're trying to do & what you're trying to do it with.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Anthony Cusimano

I am trying to create a keyboard shortcut to open Word. What is the command I would use within the keyboard shortcuts page

Diane Ross

Anthony Cusimano said:
I am trying to create a keyboard shortcut to open Word. What is the command I
would use within the keyboard shortcuts page

There are several third party applications (some free) like LaunchBar,
Butler, QuickSilver that will do what you want. Check Version Tracker
<> for download links.

For example, in Launchbar, I type my shortcut command\ that brings up
Launchbar. I then type in "wo" and word opens. These applications are great


Might be the wrong place to ask, but when I try to set a keyboard shortcut (in tools --> customize keyboard) it won't let me write in the "set new shortcut" field... the cursor blinks, but it won't let me write. How do I then make a shortcut to get to autocorrect...?

think its a pain having to put in all shortcuts myself, it was easier when the letter you were supposed to press was underlined..

Daiya Mitchell

What are you trying to write? You should put the cursor in the Set new
Shortcut field, and then actually hit the commands you want to use and
the field will automatically write those in.

If that doesn't solve your problem, it would be better to start a NEW
thread, giving full details of which program you are using, what you do,
what you want to happen, and what happens instead.

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