creating last name first, first name last from a column of first name last name data



I can't figure for the life of me how the make a column of names

FirstName LastName


LastName, FirstName

I'm sure there is an easy formula to copy or macro to write.

can someone help me with this?

thanks a ton, in advance. I'm appreciate your help.


Rick Rothstein

Give this formula a try...

=MID(A2&", "&A2,FIND(" ",A2)+1,LEN(A2)+1)

Change the A2 to the cell address of the cell containing your first set of
names and then copy it down.

Lars-Åke Aspelin

I can't figure for the life of me how the make a column of names

FirstName LastName


LastName, FirstName

I'm sure there is an easy formula to copy or macro to write.

can someone help me with this?

thanks a ton, in advance. I'm appreciate your help.


Assuming that FirstName and LastName is separated by one space and
that they don't have any spaces within them, try the following

=MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,LEN(A1)-FIND(" ",A1))&", "&LEFT(A1,FIND("

If FirstName and/or LastName can have spaces, e.g. double names, you
have to give additional information on how to decide which parts
belong to FirstName and LastName.

Hope this helps / Lars-Åke

Patrick Molloy

select the column , use Edit, Find, Replace and in the Find What box type a
space and in the Replace with box type a comma and a space

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