Creating Macro & Macro Button


Lady Success

Column a has a list of drugs
Column A2 has name of drug; Column B2-D2 have info re drug. I'd like the
user to have the ability to click a button and insert an entire row anywhere
on the sheet. If they then put something in the blank row in Column A, I
want the the contents in the row above the inserted row deleted - beginning
from Column C.

I've tried to create the macro by using the macro recorder, but it will
select and delete only the row that I select for the macro. I need it to be
a random selection of any row within the worksheet. I'm sure I could figure
out how to attach a button to the macro - but if you could help with that as
well, it would save me a lot of time having to research the process on how to
do it. I'm on a very tight deadline for this project.

The list looks like this:

Drug List | Mail | Retail | Pref Stat
Boniva 30% 40% P
Lipitor 20% 30% N
Synthroid 20% 30% N

I want the final result to look like this:

Drug List | Mail | Retail | Pref Stat
Boniva 30% 40% P
Simvastin 10% 20% P
Synthroid 20% 30% N

Is this possible? Any help would be appreciated!!

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