creating macros within a table




What you want to do is retain your table, but you do
not need a macro. You need a query that works with your
table of information.

Create a new query using the table that you are working
with. Place the column or columns in which you are
interested in into the query. Lets say you place a field
from your table into the query named Field1. Now, this is
where you go to a new column that has no field in it, and
at the top of that column, instead of using a field name,
type Expr1: [field1]*2. That is all you have to place in
that column. That will yield the value of Field1
multiplied by 2, and that will show in your query when you
use it. If you want another calculation,in another new
column of the query, type Expr2: [Expr1]*3, which will
give you the calculation of your Expr1 calculation
multiplied by 3. What was done in the the columns of the
query that hold Expr1 and Expr2 is called using
Expressions in queries to yield information.

Save the query and it should be ready to go.

This method will surely work in calculating values.

I hope I have helped, and have a nice day.


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