creating mailing labels


JON, mcse, mcdba

I have a client who has a list of about 7000 real estate properties. The
data is currently in Excel format with multiple columns: STREET ADDRESS,
physical location of the property, while the NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, STATE,
ZIP would be the information on a mailing label.

I need to be able to create and print mailing labels with the NAME, MAILING
ADDRESS, STATE and ZIP... BUT... to be searchable and listed by the STREET
ADDRESS. So in the event they need to print a particular label they can query
by STREET ADDRESS, and print out the label neccassary for that property.

I went through the mail merge in Word, but that just creates the labels, NOT
organize the data by STREET ADDRESS. I was hoping that Access would give me
this function.

Thanks for any help you can provide!


It's easy to make this in Word, to order by Street Address you need to open
the Excel and sort them by Street Address,
otherwise you'll have to make a Table,Form,Query and the report with the
info that it need to have.
in the query you can order as you want.


Allen Browne

In Access, you would create these tables:

AddressType table:
AddressTypeID Text primary key
This table would contain just a couple of records, e.g. "Street", "Postal".

Client table (one record per person):
ClientID AutoNumber primary key
ClientName Text

Address table
AddressID AutoNumber primary key
ClientID Number (Long) Which client has this address.
AddressTypeID Text Relates to AddressType.AddressTypeID.

After creating the tables, use the Relationships window (Tools menu) to
create relationships between the tables:
- One client can have many entries in the Address table;
- One AddressType can appear many times in the Address table.

Now you can search by any address (the addresses are all in the one table)
and find out which client this is (because it links back to the client
table), but still set up your print out so it uses the Postal address if the
client has one.

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