Hi =?Utf-8?B?TWlrZTk5MDA=?=,
How to create mail merge from a single word template? For example, the user
creates a template and adds MergeField from the word. But how to populate
these fields and create many documents, so the field names are different?
I'm afraid I don't understand what you're asking; maybe because I'm steeped in
"traditional" mail merge and lack the angle you're viewing the problem from
More specifically, it's the "so the field names are different" statement
that's throwing me.
The other part: populate the fields and create many documents, is simple
enough. I recommend you start in the Word UI, like an end-user, so that you
understand the process: the object model mirrors the end-user process.
Open the template. Tools/Letters and Mailings/Mail merge and display the mail
merge toolbar. (Note: I'm assuming Word 2002 or 2003 here. If you're using a
different version, please specify!)
At the left, you'll find a button for linking in a data source. Click it and
follow the steps to get the data you want to merge. Note that, if the data
fields in your data source don't match the mergefield inserted into the
document that you'll get a slew of prompts so that you can make the
substitutions. (This is NOT available in the object model!)
Now move to the right of the toolbar and merge into a new document to merge
all the records into the template.
At this point, we have a common ground on which to begin a discussion
, and
I can better understand any description of yours how the built-in
functionality does or does not meet your needs.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)
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