Creating matrices and subsequently prosess those in a loop



Hello FellowDevelopers,

I want to define a set of arrays with the same structure but with the diferent contents. The content of each array has to be processed. The arrays vary in count, sometimes 2, sometimes it's 6. So I want to repeat processing all arrays in a loop. By naming all arrays subsequently (Arr1, Arr2 etc) with a counter I can see what array I have to process.

I wrote this code with two subroutines. The problem is in the second part, (CopyOne), where I cannot use the name of the array. Any ideas?


Option Base 1
Public Arr1 As Variant
Public Arr2 As Variant

Sub CopyAll()

' Needed counters
Dim intArrNr As Integer
Dim intArrCount As Integer
intArrCount = 2

' Here I declare two arrays and with each array the same things have to be copied.
Arr1 = Array("A", "B")
Arr2 = Array("C", "D")

' Do somthing with each of the arrays
For intArrNr = 1 To intArrAant
CopyOne (intArrNr)

End Sub

Sub CopyOne(Nr)

Dim strArrName
strArrName = "Arr" & Nr

' Now, normally if I want to do something with a part of the array I do this:
' msgbox Arr1(1) and it says A
' msgbox Arr2(2) and it says D

' But now I want to do Msgbox strArrName(1)
' Tht is: take the value IN strArrName,
' which is "Arr1", and use it as the name of the array to show the first element
' How can I solve this?

End Sub


In cases like this, I fall back on the old timey practice of developing a
flow chart to see if I am really doing what I want to do. I can also figure
out what my alternatives are and usually, although not always, come up with
the optimal solution.
You could declare your arrays again, or you could incorporate that procedure
into the other one. There are probably several other approaches that would
become evident if the objectives were put in flow chart form.



it isn't that complicated that I have to put it in a flowchart. It works if
I address the arrays individually. The question is how I can get the value
in the variable to work as a NAME for the array.

Ok, even more easy code

Sub WorkWithArray()

Dim Arr1 As Variant
Dim Arr2 As Variant
Dim strArrName
Dim strArrNr
Dim intArrCount

' Here I declare two arrays and with each array I have to do something
Arr1 = Array("A", "B")
Arr2 = Array("C", "D")
' Fill counters
strArrNr = 1
intArrCount = 2
strArrName = "Arr" & Nr ' Nr = 1, so strArrName = "Arr1"

' Repeat doing something with each of the arrays
For intArrNr = 1 To intArrCount
Msgbox strArrName(1) ' But THIS doesn't work. How do I get
the CONTENT in the variable work as the Array-designation - Arr1(1) - ?
strArrNr = strArrNr + 1
strArrName = "Arr" & Nr

End sub


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