Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
I am trying to move from Freelance to PPT and am so frustrated by the number of (apparently) missing features I could ...
Anyway - all I want to do is create a new layout that formats text examples (like HTML) in a non-proportional font. I see that it can be done in the 2008 version - but I'm so frustrated with what I have already paid good money for that I'm not about to hand over more cash until I'm sure I want to keep using PPT.
I have found several examples from the 2003 version for PCs that offer different ways of doing it, but the required menu options (e.g. Insert layout whenin Master view) are missing from my 2004 Mac version.
I have also tried modifying the content of an existing page assigned to an unwanted layout and then saving as a template and I can't get that to work.
Undoubtedly much of my frustration stems from PPT working differently, but I can't even find where to start and MS seems to have removed any tutorials for the 2004 version from their websites.
All and any help appreciated. Maybe if I can get this going I'll feel strong enough to tackle handout printing layouts again!
Jon P.
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
I am trying to move from Freelance to PPT and am so frustrated by the number of (apparently) missing features I could ...
Anyway - all I want to do is create a new layout that formats text examples (like HTML) in a non-proportional font. I see that it can be done in the 2008 version - but I'm so frustrated with what I have already paid good money for that I'm not about to hand over more cash until I'm sure I want to keep using PPT.
I have found several examples from the 2003 version for PCs that offer different ways of doing it, but the required menu options (e.g. Insert layout whenin Master view) are missing from my 2004 Mac version.
I have also tried modifying the content of an existing page assigned to an unwanted layout and then saving as a template and I can't get that to work.
Undoubtedly much of my frustration stems from PPT working differently, but I can't even find where to start and MS seems to have removed any tutorials for the 2004 version from their websites.
All and any help appreciated. Maybe if I can get this going I'll feel strong enough to tackle handout printing layouts again!
Jon P.