Carefully place them in the cell.
You could also use some code to make life easier (and prettier):
Option Explicit
Sub testme01()
Dim GrpBox As GroupBox
Dim OptBtn As OptionButton
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim myCell As Range
Dim myRng As Range
Set wks = Worksheets("sheet1")
With wks
'nice for testing
Set myRng = .Range("a1:A10")
For Each myCell In myRng.Cells
With myCell
Set GrpBox = .Parent.GroupBoxes.Add(Top:=.Top, _
Left:=.Left, _
Width:=.Width, _
GrpBox.Caption = ""
GrpBox.Visible = False
Set OptBtn = .Parent.OptionButtons.Add(Top:=.Top, _
Left:=.Left, _
Width:=.Width / 2, _
OptBtn.Caption = ""
OptBtn.LinkedCell = .Address(external:=True)
Set OptBtn = .Parent.OptionButtons.Add(Top:=.Top, _
Left:=.Left + (.Width / 2), _
Width:=.Width / 2, _
OptBtn.Caption = ""
.NumberFormat = ";;;"
End With
Next myCell
End With
End Sub
It also assigns the linked cell to the cell holding the optionbuttons--but with
a format of ;;;, you don't see it in the worksheet--but you can select the cell
and look at the formulabar to see 1 or 2.
And then you can use:
to count the number of each option.
It still looks like a checkbox solution to me, though.
If I chose to use a couple of optionbuttons how do I get them into the same
I do want/need one or the other checked for each entry.