Creating New Entourage Calendar Items


Andy Williams

I'm a recent switcher from Windows to the Mac, and I'm running
Entourage 2004 11.2 on OS X 10.4.3. I've been using Entourage in my
business with an Exchange server for about a month now, and overall, I
find things working very well.

However, I really miss the ability to create new Calendar items by
simply selecting a time slot and then just typing in the text. I've
worked this way for years with Outlook on Windows. With Entourage, I
have to select the time slot, choose the New button, enter the meeting
title, then close the dialog box. This is twice the number of steps
required in Outlook. Is there any way to duplicate this feature in


Andy Williams


If you double click on the time slot it opens the new appointment
window immediately - you still have to close the box after entering the

Barry Wainwright [MVP]

If you double click on the time slot it opens the new appointment
window immediately - you still have to close the box after entering the

Or, select the time period by click-dragging int he calendar, then hit cmd-N
to create a new event for the selected time slot.

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