Creating Password unique to PC


Tony Starr

I have an Excel spreadsheet that I wish to protect so that only authorized
users can access it.
I intend to create a userform that will appear when the user opens the
spreadsheet that will prompt the user for a username and password. The
system will then verify that the password is valid for that username. The
passwords will not be hard coded but derived by applying an algorithm to the
username. So far so good. Once the password has been issued I need to stop
the spreadsheet being passed around and used on multiple PCs using the same
username and password. In short I need an algorithm to generate a different
password for the username Peter for each PC it is used on. Users will need
to email me with their username and identifying PC No. I will generate the
password and send it back to them.

My question is in vba how do I determine the PC/CPUs unique number, or does
anyone have a better solution?


Ulf Nilsson

Try using the sID found in
on\Explorer\BitBucket\@? Combine the sID with the
computer name.

/ Ulf

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