Mike Phelps
I am trying to use VBA to create some PDF files from a Word (2000) document
with Acrobat 5.0. Each time I run my procedure I get a Save As dialog box
and I have to enter a file name and click
I initially used the macro recorder and have used both this code, generated
from the Acrobat button on the toolbar:
Application.Run MacroName:="AdobePDFMakerA.AutoExec.ConvertToPDF"
And also printing to the Acrobat Distiller:
ActivePrinter = "Acrobat Distiller"
Application.PrintOut filename:="", Range:=wdPrintAllDocument, Item:=
wdPrintDocumentContent, Copies:=1
I have then tried using SendKeys to get rid of the box automatically but it
doesn't work.
Can anyone tell me how to pass a filename to this Save As box and get it to
save automatically.
with Acrobat 5.0. Each time I run my procedure I get a Save As dialog box
and I have to enter a file name and click
I initially used the macro recorder and have used both this code, generated
from the Acrobat button on the toolbar:
Application.Run MacroName:="AdobePDFMakerA.AutoExec.ConvertToPDF"
And also printing to the Acrobat Distiller:
ActivePrinter = "Acrobat Distiller"
Application.PrintOut filename:="", Range:=wdPrintAllDocument, Item:=
wdPrintDocumentContent, Copies:=1
I have then tried using SendKeys to get rid of the box automatically but it
doesn't work.
Can anyone tell me how to pass a filename to this Save As box and get it to
save automatically.