Creating percentage totals in a report



I am creating a report from a query about staff absence and reasons for it
over a period. The report covers a number of locations in an area. It lists
the number of days absence by reason for location and then total this for an
area. This is straightforward. I also want to indicate the percentage of
staff absence by reason for location and for area - it's calculating for the
area that I am having problems. This means that for each location I need the
total number of staff to give the percentage of staff absent. I have a
query returning the number of staff off grouped by locations and then reason
- one record for each type of abvsence. Locations are also grouped into
areas. To calculate the percentage for each location I return the total
number of staff for the location as one of the columns in the query. So this
number repeats for each record.

So for location A there would be 10 staff and 1 may be off with back ache
(10%) and 2 with malaria (20%). For location B there may by 20 staff - one
off with back ache (5%), one with dropsy (5%) and 5 with malaria (25%). The
report gives these items as detail. For each location it sums them as a
group footer, and also calculates total percentage absence for location
(location A 3 staff absent, 30%, location B 7 staff absent - 35%). But it
won't work for the area - it adds together the total staff number for each
location for every absence record (so for location A it would add 10 and 10
and location B it would add 20 and 20 and 20 giving a total of 60 staff).
How do I correct this?

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