creating pivot from a horizontal table


Sanjeev Raghavan

Date 01-04-200702-04-200703-04-200704-04-200705-04-200706-04-2007
GBP 242,32 242,32 243,34 244,07 244,17 243,45
USD 123,84 123,84 123,34 123,55 123,60 123,37
EUR 164,87 164,87 164,67 165,01 165,02 164,83
RUR 4,76 4,76 4,74 4,75 4,76 4,75
Please explain how can I creat a pivot table from the above list to a table
Date GBP USD EUR RUR pattern
Please advise.


The WS function Transpose does what you need.

If you have x columns and y rows in your original data, select a range that
is y columns and x rows, press F2, enter
=TRANSPOSE(<your original range>)
then SHIFT+CONTROL+ENTER, to enter it it as an array formula.


Roger Govier

Hi Sanjeev

You don't need a pivot table to achieve this.
Mark your whole block of data, got cell A1 on another sheet>Paste

Sanjeev Raghavan

That was great Roger. Thank you. It work with pivot as well. But in this case
the I was not able to chage the value into number format. I downloaded from
website which probably is in html. Is there any way to convert those numbers
into number format. If you let me know your e-mail address I will send you
the whole file in excel. I dont under stand how I can change the format in
this case. My email is : (e-mail address removed)

Thank you and regards,

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