Robin said:
My data source is a simple data table in a worksheet, like this:
id |name |age
1 |John |5
2 |Peter |10
3 |Josh |20
but when I create the PT it only show headers
id | name | age
doesn't show data in the PT
I check all pivot table options, like: data source (range), I try using the
layout option and also I compare the pivot table options in pc with mac and
everything look good.
When I create a PT on pc after add a field all data of the data source
appear in the PT but isn't the same on mac, after add a field only appear the
Maybe this can give a clue of my problem.
I'm still not sure what you're doing to create the pivot table. You
don't say what fields you're using for rows, columns or data, so it's
hard to know what to suggest.
I created a Pivot table using your data using the following steps:
1) I reproduced your data above in A1:C4.
2) I chose Data/Pivot Table Report...
3) In step 1 of the PT dialog, I chose Microsoft Excel
list or database as the data source, and clicked Next.
4) In step 2 of the PT dialog, I confirmed the data range
is $A$1:$C$4 and clicked Next.
5) In step 3 of the PT dialog, I selected the "Existing Worksheet"
radio button, entered $F$1 in the input box, and clicked Finish.
6) From the PT toolbar I dragged the id field to the PT section
labeled "Drop Row Fields Here".
7) From the PT toolbar I dragged the name field to the PT section
labeled "Drop Column Fields Here".
8) From the PT toolbar I dragged the age field to the PT section
labeled "Drop Data Items Here".
The resulting PT is
Sum of age name
id John Josh Peter Grand Total
1 5 5
2 10 10
3 20 20
Grand Total 5 20 10 35
What happens when you try these steps?