creating pop-up window in publisher



I have a page with 10 graphic images on it in publisher.
I want to be able to hoover over one of the graphics and by double-clicking,
enlarge that particular image. I don't care if it is a seperate window or
just crowds out other parts of the page.

Rob Meade

I have a page with 10 graphic images on it in publisher.
I want to be able to hoover over one of the graphics and by
enlarge that particular image. I don't care if it is a seperate window or
just crowds out other parts of the page.

I have no publisher skills - however surely a simply hyperlink would do the
trick - if publisher is like frontpage then you should be able to set a
"target" as well "new window" will do nicely...i the hyperlink set the href
to be the address of the image (full size) in, you'll need two
images obviously, a thumbnail and the larger one.



David Bartosik

um, no. Publisher has no support for the target attribute.
And no, Publisher is not like FrontPage. That's kinda like comparing Word to

Rob Meade

um, no. Publisher has no support for the target attribute.

It would seem if I add a "HTML Code Frament" (admittedly using Publisher
2003) I can enter:

<a href="" title="Google" target="_blank">Google</a>

When I browse this in a Web Browser, from the File menu - I can click on the
link, and it opens the URL in a new window...
And no, Publisher is not like FrontPage. That's kinda like comparing Word
to Excel.

Was only trying to help...


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