I'm facing a problem at the moment that with my own knowledge i can'
solve at the moment and it drives me crazy.
I would like to create an Excelsheet in which an unknown amount o
variables can be entered, to which a value is assigned. So say i hav
20 variables for my case, i want to enter 20 variable names in a ce
and then assign either the value 1,2 or to those variables, which in m
case means the level of impact of the variable. So in column A i hav
my 20 variable names, in column B my 20 impact values. In column B
also apply conditional formatting to make the cell color chang
depending on the entered inmpact value (1=green, 2=orange, 3=red).
What I'd now like to do is have some programming logic that is able t
create a graph with my 20 variables on the x-axis (and in general th
amount of variables for a graph is variable) and has the impact value
on the y-axis. Point of the graph should be to show variable 1 ha
impact 2 (and I would like the color of the corresponding bar to b
orange in this case), variable 2 has impact 1 and has a green bar wit
height 1 on the y-axis.
Is this possible with visual basic or is there a better solution to m
problem? I would greatly appreciate any help!
I'm facing a problem at the moment that with my own knowledge i can'
solve at the moment and it drives me crazy.
I would like to create an Excelsheet in which an unknown amount o
variables can be entered, to which a value is assigned. So say i hav
20 variables for my case, i want to enter 20 variable names in a ce
and then assign either the value 1,2 or to those variables, which in m
case means the level of impact of the variable. So in column A i hav
my 20 variable names, in column B my 20 impact values. In column B
also apply conditional formatting to make the cell color chang
depending on the entered inmpact value (1=green, 2=orange, 3=red).
What I'd now like to do is have some programming logic that is able t
create a graph with my 20 variables on the x-axis (and in general th
amount of variables for a graph is variable) and has the impact value
on the y-axis. Point of the graph should be to show variable 1 ha
impact 2 (and I would like the color of the corresponding bar to b
orange in this case), variable 2 has impact 1 and has a green bar wit
height 1 on the y-axis.
Is this possible with visual basic or is there a better solution to m
problem? I would greatly appreciate any help!