I've tackled this in the past where I needed to generate a Project file from
the web. In one of the html help files in that folder where the projdb.htm
file is, there are the exact details... But generally heres what I did:
Using the Project XML data definition, i wrote an XML string from my SQL
data for all the tasks in the database (custom web based task management
system). There are a certain set of information required to generate the fil
(XML Tags) and again, I cant remember the details. If you want to go this
route, I can look at the source to find out the minimum requirements (that I
encountered), it was mostly tricky with some of the time related data...
Anyways, I generated this XML string with the data, then instantiated a
MSProject Application object on the client with CreateObject in the html and
passed it the XML string, then opened the app. Of course, the security zone
had to support unsigned ActiveX controls to open right up, but otherwise...
it fires up a new project with the data very nicely....