Creating projects using PSI


Claudio Hidetoshi

Hi all.

I'm changing the sample code "ProjTool" (it comes with PJ2007 SDK) to create
new projects. But the global template requires that I set value to a custom
field, named "Docs"(number field). So, I coded:

ProjectWebSvc.ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow projectRow =
projectRow.PROJ_UID = projGuid;
projectRow.PROJ_NAME = projectName;

if (txtCalendarUid.Text.ToString() != "" )
projectRow.CAL_UID = new Guid(txtCalendarUid.Text.ToString());
projectRow.PROJ_TYPE = getProjectType();
//the above code is original from the sdk

//my custom code
ProjectWebSvc.ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRow custom =
custom.CUSTOM_FIELD_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
custom.NUM_VALUE = (decimal)1;
custom.MD_PROP_ID = 188744704;
custom.PROJ_UID = projGuid;

When I call project.QueueCreateProject an error apears:
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>\r\n<errinfo>\r\n <dataset
name=\"ProjectDataSet\">\r\n <table name=\"ProjectCustomFields\">\r\n
<row CUSTOM_FIELD_UID=\"161b089c-f4fd-435a-8dbe-eb2b1f456b93\">\r\n
<error id=\"11704\" name=\"CustomFieldInvalidTypeColumnFilledIn\"
uid=\"6fd994bf-9d7b-4861-a6d7-41cc29d2111b\" />\r\n <error
id=\"11713\" name=\"CustomFieldRequiredValueNotProvided\"
uid=\"99584033-8f42-4c19-af07-e241e65951f3\" mdpropuid=\"\" />\r\n
</row>\r\n </table>\r\n </dataset>\r\n</errinfo>"

I don't know what is wrong.

Any help will be very appreciated.

Claudio Hidetoshi.
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Claudio Hidetoshi

Hi Martin,

Thanks for your help,

I filled the MD_PROP_UID and the same error appears.


Did you ever fiand any resolution to this problem, because I'm getting the
same error message? I'm sure that the problem is due to an unset

Regards, Albert


In my case, I figured out that the cause of this error was due to trying
assign a value to the TEXT_VALUE property for a custom field that had an
associated LookupTable. I resolved the problem by setting the
CustomFieldsRow.CODE_VALUE property to the Guid corresponding the LookupTable
value instead.

Claudio Hidetoshi

I was making a mistake. I didn't define the FIELD_TYPE_ENUM property.

Another thing, it's not necessary to assing a value for MD_PROP_UID and
MD_PROP_ID properties. Choose one of them.

Cláudio Hidetoshi.
Rio de Janeiro

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