Creating PST store using PRF file - problem



Hello, I would like to prepare procedure of automatic creating user profile
in Outlook 2003. I have PRF files, which I created in Custom Instalation
Wizard (Office Resource Kit). I deploy it via logon script, everithig works
fine but creating PST file, which shoul be destitation mail store in created
profile. I dont know why, but sometimes PST file isn't create.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Maybe you should post the first 5 sections of your .prf file. Are you creating the .pst file in a folder that certainly exists?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


Hello Sue, firstly thanks for Your reply.

No, I'm creating pst file in folder that curently exist, it's create in
default pst files destitation folder %USERPROFILE%\local settings\application
data\microsoft\outlook\outlookl.pst - I leave this setting unchanged during
preparing PRF file. I tried to change destination folder, but result was the
same. I've noticed something interesting which may be reason of the problem,
user name who is logged to Windows system is diffrent form user name on the
Exchange server, I think thats because during script executiing when outlook
profile is creating process stop and ask user to choose correct name of user
mailbox. After that Outlook finish creating profile but I thiink not based on
prf file settings. Have You any idea how to wal;k around it.
Thakns for any advice


I found the reason of my problem. It was connected whit order of section in
prf file. As I wrote user name in my domain is a little diffrent form name of
mailbox in Exchange, so when, during logon, script start to create Outlook
profile based on prf file it stops when outlook was trying to connect to
mailbox and ask user for correct exchange user name, afer it everything seems
to work fine but outlook finish configuration proces without settings in prf
file. I've opened the file and seen that section responsible for creating
personal folder was putted after section connected with creating exchange
account. So, I change the order of these section (put pst cerating proces
firt in prf file), and everything starts to work fine.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Thanks for the additional details. If you are using Exchange, why are you trying to include a .pst file in the profile?

If the user's Windows logon and Exchange account names don't match (highly unusual), you will definitely need to do something more than use a standard .prf file. But it still might be useful to see the one you're using, first five sections only, please.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


Hello again, for the begining:

I have to use pst file even thouhg I use Exchange because of my company
rules and requiments.
I post the first five section of my prf file below. If You Think I should to
set in it something eles, let me know. I will be greatfull.
; **************************************************************
; Section 1 - Profile Defaults
; **************************************************************


; **************************************************************
; Section 2 - Services in Profile
; **************************************************************

[Service List]
ServiceX=Microsoft Outlook Client
ServiceEGS=Exchange Global Section
Service2=Unicode Personal Folders
Service1=Microsoft Exchange Server
ServiceEGS=Exchange Global Section

; Section 3 - List of internet accounts

[Internet Account List]

; Section 4 - Default values for each service.


HomeServer= "removed bacause of security reason"

Name=Large Personal Folders
PathToPersonalFolders=%USERPROFILE%\local settings\application

HomeServer="removed bacause of security reason"
AccountName=Microsoft Exchange Server

;-- The URL of Exchange Web Services Form Directory page used to create Web
;-- The URL of Exchange Web Services page used to display unknown forms.
;-- Set to TRUE to use Exchange Web Services to compose forms.
;-- Set to TRUE to use Exchange Web Services to display unknown forms.
;-- Set to TRUE to prompt user before opening unknown forms when using
Exchange Web Services.

; Section 5 - Values for each internet account.

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