I need to create a quote, capture the quote amounts for future
reference, and then update my form to indicate that the quote has been
sent. I have been able to do bits and pieces of this but I can't seem
to get everything to work together.
Forms Involved:
main form: tickets
sub form: expenses
Detailed Description of problem:
I have a main form that contains all of our standard ticket
information with a unique id workordernum.
I have a sub form that contains all of our expense information to
track expenses incurred for that ticket. It is linked to the main
form by the unique id workordernum.
I need a way to show a sum of the expenses divided into 2 types
(identified by their "expensetype" field) and display the totals on
the main form. These totals need to be calculated by quantity*cost.
This needs to change anytime a new expense is added or subtracted from
the subform.
I need to process a markup on the expense amounts and send a quote
with those markup amounts to our client.
We need the markup to be different based on the "expensetype" assigned
to each expense. For example, we use 2 main types: labor & parts. We
simply sum our labor expense and add $70 to it as our markup. The
parts we markup 20% and need to show them broken down into their
individual lines.
When we send our quote, the quoted amounts need to be captured on our
main form so we can refer back to it later.
I hope I haven't asked too much in one post. It's all interconnected
and I just can't figure out how to make everything calculate and play
I need to create a quote, capture the quote amounts for future
reference, and then update my form to indicate that the quote has been
sent. I have been able to do bits and pieces of this but I can't seem
to get everything to work together.
Forms Involved:
main form: tickets
sub form: expenses
Detailed Description of problem:
I have a main form that contains all of our standard ticket
information with a unique id workordernum.
I have a sub form that contains all of our expense information to
track expenses incurred for that ticket. It is linked to the main
form by the unique id workordernum.
I need a way to show a sum of the expenses divided into 2 types
(identified by their "expensetype" field) and display the totals on
the main form. These totals need to be calculated by quantity*cost.
This needs to change anytime a new expense is added or subtracted from
the subform.
I need to process a markup on the expense amounts and send a quote
with those markup amounts to our client.
We need the markup to be different based on the "expensetype" assigned
to each expense. For example, we use 2 main types: labor & parts. We
simply sum our labor expense and add $70 to it as our markup. The
parts we markup 20% and need to show them broken down into their
individual lines.
When we send our quote, the quoted amounts need to be captured on our
main form so we can refer back to it later.
I hope I haven't asked too much in one post. It's all interconnected
and I just can't figure out how to make everything calculate and play