creating report to see how many resources are allocated monthly



am creating a chart in Excel with details of which projects / tasks that a
resource is working on. e.g. from now til the end of the year the training
dept has 3 trainers working on project A, 2 on project b and 1 on project C,
but project C finishes at the end of October. This is a master project plan
with approx. 50 smaller tasks linked to it.
I have taken over the start and finish dates to Excel, but this will only
show me totals. I need to break it down to show for October we have 6
trainers working on 3 project, November and December should show 5 trainers
on 2 projects.
I can't find a column for Month?
The Task Usage report was helpful, but I can't seem to add the project names
to this - nor can I send this to Excel.
If you know how to get the monthly breakdown into Excel, or know how to send
the task usage report to Excel I would appreciate your help.


Hi AngePaton,
You may export the task usage view to Excel using the Analyze Timescaled
data in Excel button on the Analysis toolbar. In step 3 of the wizard, set
the units to months. If you choose, the export can also graph the data for
Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


Thanks JulieS - however My Analyze Timescaled button does nothing? I have the
Analysis tollbar on , but when I click any of the buttons, nothing happens?

Am I missing something?


Thanks - Have got the toolbar to work.
AngePaton said:
Thanks JulieS - however My Analyze Timescaled button does nothing? I have the
Analysis tollbar on , but when I click any of the buttons, nothing happens?

Am I missing something?


Hi AngePaton,
Glad to hear the toolbar is now working. Did the export to Excel show you
what you wanted to see?

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