I am new to creating an Access database, but have worked in Access when there
has already been a database completed.
I am trying to create a database in which I can create a new record for each
of my customers. I would like to be able to search by each of the fields in
my record. I also want to be able to input dates underneath each of the
records(for each date we service them). I worked for a company who had a
database like this set up, but never looked into it to see exactly how it was
set up.
Any advice would be appriciated!
has already been a database completed.
I am trying to create a database in which I can create a new record for each
of my customers. I would like to be able to search by each of the fields in
my record. I also want to be able to input dates underneath each of the
records(for each date we service them). I worked for a company who had a
database like this set up, but never looked into it to see exactly how it was
set up.
Any advice would be appriciated!