Creating sequential variables on the fly



I'm working on a spreadsheet where I need to find out how many entries I'll
need, then create sequentially-named variables for each of them in a VBA

(For example, I may need 0-6 variables. If I find out I need 3 variables,
then VariableCount = 3 and I'll want to name the variables Variable1,
Variable2 and Variable3.) This means that I want to Dim the variables then
fill them in. I feel comfortable with figuring out how to do that
question is much simpler.

What is the syntax for appending a variable value onto the end of a variable
name to create a sequence of variables? I've tried a number of things, and
none have worked. I'm probably missing something basic yet again.

Chip Pearson

Your best bet is to create a class module, and store instances of
that class in a Collection object.

Dim C As Class1
Dim Coll As New Collection
For N = 1 To NumVariables
Set C = New Class1
Coll.Add C
Next N

The class module can be as simple as

Public X As Integer

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC

news:[email protected]...


Thanks for the response. It looks like I have a whole new area to learn in
VBA. I can see what tomorrow's reading will be.

Thanks again!

- Forest


Are you asking about Arrays ?

Dim MyVar( ) As String 'Or whatever data type you want to use
ReDim MyVar(2)
MyVar(0)="Variable0" 'Or whatever value you want to store
Above assumes you are working with "normal" array bounds and have not set
"Option Base 1".
So you would get 3 elements to array.


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