Creating Share Database




I am an absolute beginner at Access and am trying to teach
myself the hard way.

I am designing a database for storing various data
relating to uk shares.

I currently have a web query set up in Excel that queries
the data by sector so I have 98 sheets with anyhting from
2 to 100 shares on it - the other info is share price,
high price, low price, % change, volume etc

The web query is set to run everyday and then i will be
exporting to access.

As I am a beginner I would like some help with the layout
of the database. What would be the best structure of the
tables - one per share, one per sector....

I will be using the database to run lots of queries for
eg: Comparing two shares volume over a month, finding the
biggest movers, tracking a shares price over a year...etc

Any help would be appreciated.


Andrew Smith

I set up something similar with these tables:

CompanyID (autonumber, primary key)
Ticker (text, for the EPIC code)
CompanyName (text)

PriceID (autonumber, primary key)
CompanyID (foreign key, linked to tblCompanies)
PriceDate (Date/Time)

StatisticID (autonumber, primary key)

CompanyStatisticID (autonumber, primary key)
CompanyID (foreign key, linked to tblCompanies)
StatisticID (foreign key, linked to tblStatisticTypes)
StatisticValue (currency data type - could also use double)

I haven't bothered with sectors, but if you want to do this then have
another table for sectors, and a foreign key field in tblCompanies
containing the sectorID.

tblStatisticTypes contains one entry for each type of statistic that I want
to track, including:

- Normalised EPS (historic)
- Normalised EPS (forecast)
- Gross gearing
- Net tangible asset value per share
- Number of shares in issue

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