Creating Special Page Numbers

  • Thread starter G.G. Biggar, Jr.
  • Start date

G.G. Biggar, Jr.

Now that Doug Robbins has straightened out my printing problem, I have a
somewhat related question (pertaining to page numbers).

In an appendix, I would like to print page numbers, such as A-1, A-2, etc.
I have done this in times past by inserting a page number in the footer on
the first page. My former technique now escapes me, since the A-1 prints on
every page.

Thanks in advance.

Gordon Biggar

Shauna Kelly

Hi Gordon

What you need is known in Word as "Chapter" numbering.

For how to do it, see
I want to include the chapter number with the page number in the
Header - how can I do this?

For other information on numbering in Appendixes, see
How to number headings and figures in Appendixes

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.
Melbourne, Australia

G.G. Biggar, Jr.

Hello, Australia!

Greetings from Texas.

Thanks for the lead. In the Footers dialog on page one, I found that by
keying on Insert a Page Number, and by starting at 1, I could then manually
enter a hyphen to the left of the 1, and then the appendix letter to the
left of the hyphen (e.g., A-1). In this way, the numbers increase in
sequence, but the "A-" remains constant.

Back door?

Gordon Biggar
Houston, Texas

Shauna Kelly

Hi Gordon

1. What style are you using for the Appendix numbering (ie what style is
going to give you the "A", "B" etc)? It must be a built-in heading
style. Is it correctly numbering your appendixes?

2. Did you follow the 6 steps in John McGhie's instructions at That is, did
you insert the required section breaks and did you tick the "Include
chapter number" box when setting the format for the page number?

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.
Melbourne, Australia

G.G. Biggar, Jr.

Greetings Shauna --

I'm afraid to say that I "winged" it. The technique that I described had
worked once before -- I stumbled across it by accident. And, since I only
have three appendices, I decided to give it one more try. I'm not sure why
it works, but those who know Word far better than I may be able to explain
it. Should my methodology come unglued, at least I know now where to turn.

Thank you for your interest.


Dayo Mitchell

Hi Gordon,
Your technique works fine, if all you want is page numbers. If you want to
do anything more complicated with the chapter numbers, like have them show
up in Word-generated tables of contents or indexes, you will need a less
manual method, which Shauna and the article cited will lead you to.


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